The Real Mamas of the NICU Podcast

AEA Explained with Representative Molly Buck

Masse Poetting and Taylor Mattson Season 3 Episode 9

Explore the transformative AEA reform with Representative Molly Buck, an Iowa Legislator with over two decades of experience in education. Representing District 41 as a Democratic State Representative, Molly provides a wealth of knowledge as she supports multiple committees on education legislation. 

In this episode, Molly candidly shares her experiences as an educator and as a legislature. We talked about what services and programs AEA provided in its original state.  We then took a look at what is being changed and how that might impact our listeners. Our conversation is so impactful! The goal was to bring our audience information from a high-level perspective. We want our listeners to be able to create their own informed decisions. 7th Ranked Podcast of 2023
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